Awaiting the Next Storm Ride

By | January 17, 2009

Patiently. Two years in a row now we have missed two huge Decembers at Alta. But such is life. We sacrificed killer storm rides and deep days so that my family back in NY could get to know Ellie better. It’s tough being so far away from them, but considering D’s from Cache Valley and I’m from central NY we really don’t have a say nor choice in the matter. Again, such is life.

When I returned from our holiday trip I was beat down. I took the 2200 mile (one way) trek in the Tacoma with the dogs, while D & E flew. (Note that D & E didn’t have it much easier. Two layovers and inevitable delays in stinky urban airport hubs.) Our mutts likely took their last x country trip…that is unless we move back east while they are still with us. Driving through Wyoming on I-80 in the dead of winter, specifically west of Laramie near Elk Mountain, was the most trying and stressful road trip I’ve been on yet. And I’m closing in on 40, with MANY a road trip under my belt. 30 mph sustained winds, 60 mph gusts. Wasn’t snowing, but the snow was blowing across the road effectively hiding it. Twisted trailers periodically cluttered the side of the highway. Talk about no man’s land.

We made it, though. The whole way with poor Adah panting in my ear. And the old boy Chip needing help up in the cab of the truck each stop. They were more stressed than I was. Which is hard to believe considering at one point I thought the truck was dying while crossing Elk Mountain Pass. I literally had the pedal to the floor, and I was only going 40 and not accelerating at all. I was driving directly into a 40 mph headwind!

I would have bet someone $1000 that I was going to be sick from that trip. Didn’t sleep for two nights in motels. Had a lot to do with the anxiety of our family traveling separately across the country, I think. Add to that being literally chilled to the bone in the dead of winter each time I stopped to let the dogs get a break. Rest areas are ghost towns in January, in Nebraska. At any rate, I didn’t get sick. Then there was Vegas…

No sooner did I get somewhat recovered and rested from that drive, I had to get on a plane and go to Las Vegas for Affiliate Summit. This was an important deal for our company, AvantLink, so I went in with good spirits. And it went great! Until I got home and all hell broke loose with one of the nastiest chest colds and funk that I’ve had in a long time. So far D & E haven’t picked this thing up, and I hope they don’t. I would feel horrible.

So here I am, the time on my laptop says 4:41am. I’ve hardly slept for two nights. So add insomnia on top of the funk. It’s cold, I’m sitting in the dark b/c I don’t want to wake Ellie (trials of a tiny cabin, working from home with a 17 month old little girl) and my head feels like it’s about to explode. I really can’t even believe I pulled off this SBP update.

They are saying on the news that the high pressure system may begin to break down mid next week, ushering in a round of winter storms. By then I should be recovered from the funk, have my new Gotamas mounted up, rested and hydrated. So I’ll patiently await the next storm ride and revert back to the mind of a 12 year old while playing in the snow.

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