Many reading this blog probably know where Cecret Lake is in Little Cottonwood Canyon. At least you’d know if you spent any time in Alta during the summer months. Well I found another Cecret Lake…and it’s inspired a renaissance in the passion of fishing I had growing up in central New York (Finger Lakes Region). When I was young I could leave my house on my BMX bike and within a few miles in every direction, have at large and small mouth bass, walleye, bullheads/catfish, and all sorts of pan fish. During the spring and fall rainbow trout runs, we’d retire the spinning reels and rods and grab the fly rods. Those rainbows were pretty easy to pull off their beds…and when you add up a strong current and 3-4 lb trout…DANG that was a fun fight.
At any rate, at my Cecret Lake in the Uintas I recently caught an amazing cut throat using a wolly worm tied to a size 8 hook on the only pole I own right now. It’s a 6 foot Ugly Stik by Shakespeare. I could barely get a 10′ cast with the fly, but that’s all I needed for this pristine inlet about 15 feet wide. I could see these big brown blobs just hanging out at the end of the current from the inlet. Didn’t take more than 5 minutes to hook one. It was the BIGGEST cut throat native…yes, it was native…that I had ever seen…22 inches. Let alone catch!! I took this female home. My pregnant wife wanted fresh mountain run off native trout, so I gave it to her. I won’t be taking many from my Cecret Lake, but I am sure hooking them at will in the evening hours. Want to know where my Cecret Lake is in the Uintas? So do 50 thousand other anglers in Utah. Sorry kids 🙂